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3. Mental Health Training for Municipal Staff
Land Acknowledgement
Introduction from Steven Poplawski, CEO Step Training Inc. 2023
Mission Statement 2023
Step Outside Your Normal
Your Training Team
Mental Health Video Introduction (0:51)
Core Competencies
Course at a Glance
Lack of Insight
Pre-knowledge Check
The Connection between Mental Health & Physical Health
Dr. Andersen on stress and it's impact on Health (2:35)
Examples of Mental & Physical Health
The Immune System As It relates To Depression (3:01)
Gut Brain Axis (3:06)
Nervous System & Post Traumatic Stress Injury (5:01)
Professional Demeanor
Building Confidence
Expectations Defined
Small Wins - Big Gains
Being Respectful and Avoid Pushing
Defending Actions
It's About Them.. Not Us
Do Not Start Your Verbal Response With The Following
Process of Communication
Use Specific Phrases For Better Communication
Overriding Goal of De-escalation
Professional De-escalation Applies to Mental Health
Where Are We Going?
Professional Model of De-escalation
When a Small Matter Becomes Escalated (3:04)
Overriding Goal of De-Escalation
Focus on Gaining Acceptance
Learn To Meet People Where They Are At
Are They Ready For The Information?
Iceberg Effect
It's a Matter of Trust
Background on Mental Health
What Is Health
What Is mental Health?
Mental Health vs Physical Health
Three Components of Mental Health
Ryff Scale - Factors of Mental Health
What Is Mental Illness?
Common Terms Within Mental Health
Mental Health Headlines
Mental Health Myths
Mental Illness and Crime
Ontario Mental Health Act
Financial Costs of Mental Health in Ontario
The Continuum (3:39)
Meeting Human Needs Before Professional Needs
The Role of Empathy
Do We 'Understand'?
Creating Trust Through Respect
Human Needs
Personal Needs Explored
Professional Needs
The Order Matters
Help - Don't Judge
Consideration of Mental Health Conditions
What is a Mental Health Disorder?
Course Intention Regarding Mental Health
Depression Case Study
Depression Case Study Continued
Depression Best Practices
Anxiety Case Study
Anxiety Case Study Continued
Anxiety Best Practices
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder Case Study
Bipolar Disorder Case Study Continued
Bipolar Disorder Best Practices
Bipolar Video (6:54)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD Case Study
PTSD Case Study Continued
PTSD Best Practices
Schizophrenia Case Study
Schizophrenia Case Study Continued
Schizophrenia Best Practices
Schizophrenia Video (10:56)
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder Case Study
Autism Spectrum Disorder Case Study Continued
Autism Spectrum Disorder Best Practices
Substance Use Disorder
Substance Use Disorder Case Study
Substance Use Disorder Case Study Continued
Substance Use Disorder Best Practices
Tourette Syndrome
Tourette Syndrome Case Study
Tourette Syndrome Case Study Continued
Tourette Syndrome Best Practices
Co-Occurring Mental Illnesses
Professional Support
Mental Health Quiz
Implications of Mental Health Conditions
The Biology of Suicide Video (6:22)
Panic Attacks
Social Isolation
Bullying and Cyberbullying
Appropriate Responses to Those with Mental Health Disorders
Time, Distance and Positioning
Proper Language
Homelessness and Shelters
Mental Health and COVID-19
COVID-19 Outcomes
Mental Health Disorder Prevalence
Final Assessment
Final Assessment Quiz Multiple Choice
Wrapping Up
Mental Health Resources
Video Bibliography for Mental Health
Bipolar Disorder Case Study Continued
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